Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Princess!

Monday was Annabella's 2nd birthday.  I can hardly believe that she's been with us 2 years already -- they've flown by.  The picture at the top of this post is reflective of what Annabella is all about:  she's a sweetheart that melts your heart in a moment, but is a firecracker that is always seeking to make a mark on the world.  
She's growing up so quickly, but still has the sweetest moments that remind me that she is still my "baby girl."  Last week she began praying on her own.  I sat her down to eat lunch and she looked at her plate, put her hands together and said: "Chicken, arroz, papa, juice;"  followed by " Daddy, Mommy, 'Beabea' (Annabella), 'Duas' (Lucas) Amen." 
We thank God that she has had a healthy 2 years and pray that he will continue to watch over her and give us wisdom as we raise her in His word.

Click here for more pictures of our Little Princess! (password: samah)

El lunes cumplió 2 años nuestra Princesa. ¡Es increíble cuán rápido han pasado los días! La foto que se ve 
refleja perfectamente su personalidad: una dulzura que derrite cualquier corazón, pero toda una bomba que busca
dejar su marca dondequiera que va.
Va creciendo rápidamente, pero siempre tiene momentos que me hacen recuerdo que todavía es mi "bebé."  
La semana pasada empezó a orar solita. La senté para comer, juntó sus manitos y empezó: "Chicken (pollo), arroz,
papa, juice (jugo);" y continuó, "Daddy, Mami, Beabea (Annabella), Duas (Lucas), Amen."

Aquí pueden ver más fotos de nuestra Princesa. (password: samah)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Healthy Babes

Photobucket Image Hosting
This past Thursday both Annabella and Lucas had visits with the pediatrician.  Both are growing healthily and are on track based on their age. 

Lucas weighed in at 8 lbs 8 oz, gaining almost a pound in a week.  Annabella is weighing 28 lbs, I can hardly believe she was ever as small as her baby brother.  

Our prayer is that they will continue to grow physically and that God will give us the wisdom so we can help them grow spiritually in the Lord. 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Our Little Prince

Lucas Dominic García was born 8/10/08 at 10:02 a.m.
He weighed 8 lbs 2 0z and measured 18.5 in.
We praise God for a healthy baby boy!

Lucas Dominic García nació el 10 de agosto a las 10:02 a.m.
Pesó 8 libras 2 oz y midió 18.5 pulgadas.
Damos gracias a Dios por un bebé sano.

Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!

Thank you for stopping by our new blog.  This is where you'll find updates on how our family is doing.  ENJOY!

Gracias por visitar nuestra página.  Aquí encontrarán noticias de nuestra pequeña familia.  ¡Espero que lo disfruten!