Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tea Time

Last week was my first week alone with both kids.  As you can tell, I survived!  It wasn't too difficult to fall into a rhythm and I've been able to manage my time with both of the kids.  Of course, it helps that Lucas sleeps most of the time.  Somehow, Annabella "needs" me just when he's awake and I'm nursing him.   Hmmm....

I have, however, enjoyed some one-on-one time with Annabella.  On Thursday we even had our first "tea party."  She was very excited to serve her "guests."

The "A-list" crowd


A gracious host

Enjoying her "tea" 

Let's try a different cup!

La semana pasada fue mi primera semana sola con los dos niños.  Como verán - ¡sobreviví!  Ya tenemos nuestro "ritmo" -- lo único es que Annabella siempre me "necesita" justo cuando Lucas se despierta y le estoy dando de comer.

He disfrutado de tener tiempo a solas con Annabella cuando Lucas duerme.  Verán en las fotos que tuvimos nuestro primer "te."  

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